NZ Fishing World (NZFW) created distinct storylines for each of the boat models and then cost-effectively produced and disseminated video, written content and photography for each story.
‘Adventure on a budget’ for the Stabicraft Carbon 1600
Dubbed ‘Project Carbon’, this work was part of a wider launch campaign for a new and innovative model. The atmospheric videos (a short teaser and a longer version) showcase the Carbon 1600’s style and ergonomic functionality. These videos were distributed through social media and on the NZ Fishing World website. A product review appeared in the magazine and digitally.
NZFW - YouTube views: 1,293
Stabicraft - You Tube views: 5,472
‘Hardcore fishing with the boys’ for the Stabicraft 2100 SuperCab
Stabicraft supplied the action-packed footage and the NZ Fishing World team edited the end product specifically for its social media network – to guarantee extended reach to the audience most likely to respond to such content. Stabicraft featured the video via its own channels as well.
NZFW in social: 11,364 minutes viewed, 21,576 video views, 70,900 total reach
Stabicraft in social: 4,700 video views on Stabicraft website, 310 video views on YouTube
‘Smart money investment’ for the Stabicraft 2900 SuperCab
This storyline was geared to educated buyers looking for a quality boat that reflects the good decisions they make in their business life. The quality of the instructional video, stills and product review belie the very tight budget and to say that Stabicraft was pleased with the final result is an understatement.
NZFW in social: 16,500 video views, 678 YouTube views, 55,085 total reach
Stabicraft in social: 10,387 video views on Stabicraft website, 3,812 YouTube views
Red Dot Awards
Based in Germany, the internationally recognised Red Dot Awards focus on great product design in various categories. Tangible edited a presentation video to support Stabicraft’s Carbon 1600 from a mixture of NZFW and Stabicraft footage. The Carbon 1600 went on to win its category at the 2016 awards.